SWATting the Ericksons

SWATting the Ericksons

Last week we spent a lot of time writing about Brett Kimberlin and the incident involving blogger Patterico where someone spoofed his phone number and told 911 he had shot his wife.

Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway.

Someone called 911 from my address claiming there had been an accidental shooting.

It wasn’t nearly the trauma that Patterico suffered, but I guess the Erickson household is on somebody’s radar.

Luckily it was two sheriffs deputies who knew me and I had already, last week, advised the Sheriff’s Department to be on the look out for something like this.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

BREAKING: Another Critic of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Has Been Swatted! (Update: Erickson Speaks!)

Update: And via the Blaze, he is a Cnn contributor?  Well, if there is any way to keep something out of the news, it is to target one of their friends.  Genius!  If this was Brett Kimberlin, I don’t want to hear anyone claim he is brilliant again.


On May 25, bloggers and commentators of every size got together to report on Brett Kimberlin, the Soros-funded Indiana Speedway Bomber and alleged child molester, convicted perjurer, and forger, whose new job is seemingly to terrorize bloggers into silence.

The Blaze reported:

The victims — Patrick Frey who blogs under the moniker, “Patterico,” and Aaron Walker, whose blog is titled, “Allergic to Bull,” along with several others –  have been subject to death threats (veiled and not veiled), blackmail, extortion, numerous frivolous lawsuits, cyber-attacks of email and social networking accounts, and become the target of smear campaigns that have ultimately led to at least one couple losing their jobs.

In Frey’s instance, a SWAT team even descended on his house after a disingenuous call was placed to law enforcement making it sound as though Frey had confessed to murdering his wife. While the real caller has yet to be identified, Frey, who serves as the deputy district attorney for Los Angeles County, strongly suspects it was placed by Kimberlin-proxy Ron Brynaert.


Both men fear for the safety of themselves and their families and with just cause, considering some who have crossed Kimberlin before have turned up dead. It is also important to note that both men are respected attorneys and members of their community — hardly the type who would sensationalize a story to stir up controversy.
